Melbourne Quick LinksEnglish French Chinese【電子書籍】[ R.G. Richardson ]


<p>Melbourne Quick Links - English, Frenc and Chinese Interactive City Guide</p> <p>R.G. Richardson City Guides. Interactive City Guides, Job Search, Interactive Notes and Dictionaries, Shopping and Real Estate Guides.<br /> This guide is all about 3900 preset searches including 8 search engines; point and click that's it! You can now avoid spelling mistakes and language difficulties making this guide simple enough for everybody to use, just click the icon.<br /> These guides have extensive hotel and restaurant search; not to mention real estate, shopping, job and employment opportunities available in the guides. Sit in the coffee shop and start searching away on their WiFi and start using our interactive city search guides and brochures with 8 search engines including one Chinese!<br /> For PC, Mac, Pad, or iPhone or mobile phone enabled search tool with multi-search engine capability built right in.<br /> This guide searches for food, hotels, real estate, historical sites, sports, concerts, even public toilets and water closets and everything that’s fun to do; with travel planning, maps and transportation. Good for tourists, travellers, vacationers, people who have just moved to town, and even long term residents who want to stay on top of what’s new and current in their area.<br /> New Real Estate, Shopping and Job Employment Series.<br /> New Interactive Notes for Economics, Financial, Markets, Money and Banking.<br /> Search in Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Indian, Portuguese and Japanese!<br /> Updated September 2019.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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